Friday, December 03, 2004

Yuletide feelings

It's been a long old day. Oddly, as soon as I left the house to go to work I felt somewhat more cheerful - but that was probably because I'd just walked past that inflatable snowman, who has now been joined by an equally awful inflatable Father Christmas.

My day at work was the worst Friday that I've had to endure for a long time, leading to the latest that I've had to stay in the office on a Friday for months. Still, I was able to maintain my usual cheerful self despite it all. Plus that greasy breakfast really helped :)

I was soo surprised in the afternoon when I received an email from that architect guy I met last night! Obviously I must have given him my email address as well and completely forgotten all about it. It turns out that his company also kitted out our latest office down the road... Oh well, I'm sure that it's always useful to know an architect or two.

Tomorrow I have the dubious pleasure of having to sort out my mum's PC. She is a broadband newbie (and a PC one at that) and was perplexed when she couldn't access any secure sites. Well, actually, she had no idea that was the problem but thats beside the point. I spent 30 minutes on the phone to her today during my lunch break trying to teach her how to logon to windows as admin and then doing a windows update. It was no go for the windows update and too painful for words for me to continue so I will have to pay her a visit instead :( At least she lives 5 minutes from the seaside... mmmmm fresh donuts!

Right, I am now off to cook myself some dinner and then watch a dvd.
I really fancy watching The Godfather all of a sudden..

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