Saturday, December 11, 2004

Aftermath of a christmas party

Our team christmas party last Thursday was truly excessive. I outdid myself on all counts.For my efforts I now have bruises down one side, my right bum cheek really hurts and I can't sit down without wincing. Walking is also difficult.

The venue for our drinks was the Medicine Bar in Shoreditch. I've never been there before - it's quite nice, 3 storeys with a DJ in the basement. We had the upstairs reserved for us. As it was a manager sponsored event - ie free drinks for us - we didn't hold back and started on the champagne. By now I'm thinking that I should probably have built up some sort of tolerance to that stuff but I got exceedingly inebriated anyway and ended up falling down the stairs. At the time I was more bothered about losing my champagne glass to the floor, by the time I got home I was starting to feel the pain.

The best and worst things about the 'day after' are hearing about the things that you allegedly did and said whilst grossly drunk. I was particularly embarrassed when my manager told me that he remembered picking me up off the floor at one point (absent from my memory), me feeding him pistachios whilst he was trying to talk, and me telling him how much I hated my last manager (who stills works for the bank). Plenty of blackmail opportunities there then.

So now I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend, I have come back to my weekend retreat in the country where everything shuts down at 5pm. I might have a little pasta, a glass of wine or two and settle in to the final of Strictly Come Dancing.
Please please please do not let Julian Clary win - he can't dance for beans.

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