Wednesday, December 01, 2004

I told you I was a team player

I had some trouble sleeping last night. Suddenly wide awake at 4am I contemplated actually getting up and perhaps reading a book or something but knowing that it would wreck any chances of doing anything constructive at work today I tried to go back to sleep. In actual fact, this is the best way of getting REM sleep - thus making sure that you have dreams. And dream I did....

In one part of my dream it was snowing. I was inside a building which looked a little like a school classroom with my brother, and housemate and some other people I don't remember. We started having a snowball fight with people downstairs outside the building. Somehow we were hanging out of the windows and making snowballs directly from the falling snow...

In a second part of my dream I was stood outside in a field, well technically, on a rugby pitch. I was surrounded
by the rest of my work team who were all kitted up. One of my colleagues was teaching me how to play rugby...
Incidentally he was a really good teacher and I scored my first try in minutes :)
Impressed, the rest of my team started debating teaching me how to scrum at which point I woke up. Probably just as well - not sure I really fancied it :)

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