Monday, December 13, 2004

Bovine Blues

Argh the dilemma of having to get up obscenely early in the morning but wanting to watch the end of a very interesting series...
I just watched 3 episodes of Lars Von Triers' "The Kingdom". Episode 3 has just ended on a bit of a cliffhanger and I really want to see how it ends but its almost 1am and I need to be up before 6 to get the train into London. I have bowed out and turned it off but the story and characters keep floating in my mind.
If I am unlucky I will dream about it tonight - and I say unlucky because it is a ghost story...

Haven't achieved anything whatsoever this weekend. I count that as a good thing. Today I had a roast dinner, marvelled at japanese womens wrestling on Sky, spent well over £20 trying to win £6000 on some dumb (highly lucrative) Sky quiz channel, and puzzled over my sick cow. The cow is not milking and in fact has not been 'milkable' since I bought it. Maybe she's sick.

1 comment:

linz said...

Oh, I read a tip that buying a bull helps but so far, no such luck.