Tuesday, June 14, 2005

warning to backseat drivers

Some people seem to live their lives like a game of chess. There is always an opponent and all moves must be countered. Newsflash: your opponent may not be playing in the same game as you.

I am rubbish at chess. That's not to say that I don't have the potential - I have all the right skills for it. I just don't care for the game much. Why? Because although I am a competitive person, I'm not much for games that involve annihilation/total takeover of the other players. Games where there is only one winner.

Despite my ineptitude at the game, this does not mean that
a) I appreciate other people watching my game and criticising my moves
b) People forcing me to play
c) People telling me how to play and how to win
d) People telling me what will happen if I make a wrong move

I prefer to learn my own way thankyou.

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