Thursday, September 02, 2004

Thursday night in

I don't remember the last time I was in on a Thursday evening. It's nice :)

Today I wish that I was somebody else just for the day. I'd even settle for being able to look through someone's eyes like in Being John Malkovich. Sometimes I feel very tired of being me.
Wouldn't it be great if I could wake up every morning and choose the person I wanted to be? Someone different every day.

I suppose that if I 'forgot' everything that happens the day before then that effectively gives me that option. Sounds like the plot of a film ;)


viperx143 said...

now i understand where the champagne fits in...

orpheus, you don't have an answer to one of blogger's strange questions on your profile :(

anyway, if you could have one day as someone else, who would you choose? thinking about it I considered many noble and inspiring icons but it was so hard to pick between them. too hard in fact.

so I decided it would be nice to be jessica alba's boyfriend for the day instead :)

linz said...

If I could have one day as someone else, I think that I would want to be Eminem. He's not noble but he is one of my personal heroes and a massive icon.
It's not the fame or the money that interests me as such, but I'd like to know if his public persona is 100% PR or if some of it is real. I'd love to experience the creative genius at work.

And as a small bonus, it would also be interesting to know what it would be like being a guy :)