Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Panic stations!

I think flip flap is sick.
I just happened to look at it and noticed that it was not moving.
It's not dark in the office - all the lights are on.

I have given it a prod and it has started flapping again, but not at it's usual pace. Maybe I should take it to a garden centre. Wonder what they would say? :)

Well that wasn't supposed to be the post of the day. I was actually thinking about the concept of time travel after seeing this website:

If I could travel back in time, I think that I would like to watch my parents getting married. I'd like to follow my life until this moment (well, maybe not watch me being born) I'd like to count the number of people I've ever met, maybe the times I've ever cried, and maybe I'll even discover why it is that I don't like tofu. And yeah would I pay to go back and see the reaction on my English teacher's face when she first read the almost-pornographic poem that I submitted for an assignment when I was 15!

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