Friday, August 13, 2004

From below the parapet

I love the days where I have nowhere in particular to be.
Life is suddenly full of possibilities. If a stranger asked me out for a drink,
I could potentially say yes, without disappointing anyone else. I could be walking along a road and just stop - and watch the rest of the city hurrying along to
meet their weekend.
I always thought that I owed it to myself to maximise my time. I seem to make such an effort to do this that I tend to forget to enjoy the moments :)

It's been a strange couple of weeks. I feel as if I've reached the parapet and I'm peering over it at the beautiful view spread out before me. Only I'm terrified of heights and don't know which way to look. I know that if I can just let go of my fears, all my obstacles will dematerialise. But if I turn back, the road leads to certain safety. Do I walk or fly?

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