Monday, August 23, 2004

Rainy days and Mondays

I hate the rain. And I hate Mondays.
The only thing that I hate more than Mondays is February. Odd that, since my birthday is in February - or perhaps not so strange after all, now that I've hit the quarter century.

The rain seems to be particularly depressing in London. When it rains in the countryside it's almost therapeutic - it's part of nature, helps to keep the air fresh and the plants healthy.In London, it breaks down the transport system, turns dreary grey London into mucky dreary grey London, renders the streets unusable due to the tiny streets and massive golf umbrellas sported by the inconsiderate commuters.
On an especially bad day:-
a) On way to station, at least one car will have splashed through a puddle spraying me with muddy rainwater
b) This is usually followed by me stepping into a foot-deep puddle due to badly maintained pavements
c) trains are all delayed by 20 minutes due to flooding/leaves on the line
d) when finally manage to get on sardine tin-esque tube carriage, will find number of umbrellas dripping on me. It doesn't help that I am not particularly tall
e) On really really bad days, they will have temporary closed my destination station due to overcrowding and I will be forced to walk one stop, in the rain
f) On these days I am guaranteed to be poked in the head/eye at least once by someones oversized umbrella. For gods sake, why would people need an umbrella of that size for one person! I think we need an umbrella pool type system - if you don't have more than one umbrella sharer,you should not be allowed a large umbrella. Unless you are really fat.
g) I will walk into the office wet, muddy, cold and miserable. If I was unlucky enough to wear a skirt I will have mud spattered tights, and my newly washed hair will now be untidy and matted if I have forgotten my umbrella.

At least it's the Bank Holiday weekend coming up. I haven't decided what to do yet. I wasn't planning on going away but seeing the weather this morning -maybe I should..

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