Tuesday, September 21, 2004


It's my third day in Vancouver. I've finally managed to adjust to the local time here.
There was something very odd about flying out on Saturday morning, spending 10 hours on the plane but not seeing any darkness, and then landing on Saturday morning having to relive the whole day again.

Vancouver thus far has pretty much exceeded my expectations. It has all the elements that I live about this side of the world, without the things that I dislike. I mean, jam is called jam here. The people are friendly and living is as cheap as you want it to be. The roads are wide, the water is clean and there are japanese restaurants in abundance. Heaven! It's all cheap and good too.

Tommorrow I will be boarding the Rocky Mountaineer as part of my 9 day tour in the Rockies. Within these 9 days I hope to see a few grizzly bears, some moose, and perhaps a Mountie or two. I don't really know what else to expect - I have an itinerary but haven't read it. I want everything to be a surprise.

One thing I have noticed over the last few days is the massive population of orientals here, everywhere I go there are large groups of chinese, japanese and koreans. It's reassuring, for some reason.

Over and out.

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