Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Whatever happened to Poptarts?

It was the start of a beautiful morning when I stepped out of the door. The air was crisp and cool, autumn is finally here.It felt like I had turned to a new chapter in a book, and the plot had moved to new places. And then the sun came out!
So I am in a great mood today despite the fact that I have had the worst support day for months, and that I will have worked yet another 12 hour day come 7pm.

Today's thought turns to the smells that remind me most of home.
Home for me is the UK most of the time, but occasionally it's Hong Kong.
This morning as I was walking along the road to the station, I was overwhelmed by the smell of toast. Not so surprising, as it was 6.30am and I guess people would have been having their breakfasts.
The smell of toast is so British - it always makes me think of home. More specifically, it makes me think of B&Bs, and holidays in the countryside or seaside.
For Hong Kong, the smell is sandalwood incense. My grandparents burn it twice a day to honour our ancestors. With that smell brings heat, noise and the gentle breeze of a fan circulating the air around my grandma's tiny flat.

Hmm. Just trying to think of the smell that reminds me of this office. Starbucks coffee maybe :)

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