Monday, September 13, 2004

Consonant please Bob

I'm in Countdown mode this week. This time on Saturday I will be at Stansted Airport waiting to get on my flight to Vancouver. The excitement hasn't quite hit home yet thanks to the person who has put me on support this week so I will be doubly glad to get away.

Someone told me last week that the weatherman had forecasted a beautiful hot September in London. This past weekend tells me that this is obviously not the case. Therefore I have no misgivings about going off to cooler climes where the bears and moose roam.

Speaking of moose, I damn well hope that I get to see one. There is something very appealing about them - perhaps it's the sheer size, or the sheepish expressions they have (wonder where that expression came from, sheep never struck me as having any notable facial expressions). Thus far, the closest I have ever come to a moose, is on a dinner plate in Sweden. I don't recommend it.

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