Friday, September 03, 2004

And today's word is..

I learnt a new word today.

Scottish usage:
a) Someone who (sometimes unwittingly) by speech or action demonstrates a lack of knowledge or misconception of a particular subject or situation to the amusement of others.
b) A good humoured admonition, a term of endearment
c) A reckless, absent minded or unwise person

a) "No. That wisnae wit she meant, ya big numpty!"
b) i.e. "Silly billy", "You big dafty"
c) "That numpty's driving with no lights on!"

I'm not sure how I'm going to manage to fit this into the conversation but what a great word!
I can think of a fair number of people who might classify as one :)
Just got to practise my scottish accent....

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