Thursday, November 11, 2004

A moment of clarity

Someone told me that I was a real flirt today. (this was shortly before he tried to help me 'wipe' something off my skirt) I denied this vehemently at the time but now that I am home I am wondering if perhaps I am not as prudish and modest as I should be. Maybe I should have told that 47 year old the other night to fuck off rather than simply politely decline to accept his offer of a drink.

Have also confirmed my belief that the people I work with are also obsessed with toilets. Apparently there is a toilet 'shadow' - ie a guy who has a daily wank in the toilets on the 4th. This man has been identified and I greatly look forward to seeing who he is tomorrow. Not that I see anything particularly wrong with that kind of activity - I mean, perhaps he is really stressed at work but still, there is something delicious about scandal.


viperx143 said...

if your skirt was soiled, maybe it's not just in the gents that this happens :)

linz said...

I'll have you know that I have never left the ladies with any sort of dubious stain on my skirt :)