Friday, November 12, 2004

Oh those hairfree days

Tomorrow evening I fly to Hong Kong.

It's been a long old day. People seem to instinctively know that you are about to go on holiday and give you more work even if you don't mention it. I'm not the type to screen my calls but it's been oh so tempting this week. It's almost easier not to go on holiday.

I decided to let my vanity win out and pulled out that "painfree no heat wax" solution to wax my legs. Oddly, it's called Nads. Perhaps not so odd (it's made in Australia) and is complete natural. It's funny stuff, very thick like molasses, only bright green. It smells delicious! The down side is - it's NOT PAIN FREE! There is no such thing as painfree waxing. I can only console myself that at least I'm not paying someone else to hurt me. I bet there are plenty of people who would gladly do it for free! It seems to work fairly well anyhow though I had to give up after 20 minutes as the pain got to me. I will just have to shave the rest.

Oh and I have managed to avoid my admirer for two days. Whilst he has been lurking in our area a number of times I have managed to be away from my desk each time. Hmm our Xmas party invites came out today. Must remember to check the guest list tomorrow to see if he has already RSVPed.

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