Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Sweet dreams tonight

I've gotten used to people leaving now. I've been so busy recently that I haven't even been able to think too much about the people who have gone but right now I suddenly miss them.

It's strange how all our lives intertwine and then separate, sometimes permanently. Some links are ever so brief, so fleeting that by the time they are broken you wonder if it ever really happened. I wish that I could pick a day that everyone who I ever met could be in one place for a reunion. It would have to be a really long day so that I could be able to speak to everyone and reminisce about the time we met. Of course, there are those who I never want to see ever again and things would be very awkward should we be in the same room.

We're in the closing hours of the US elections. I feel like I'm looking at the dawn of a new generation. I think more depends on the outcome of this election than we could imagine and yet life continues as ever.

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