Monday, November 29, 2004

where is that baseball bat?

I feel really distracted this afternoon. Can't quite concentrate on my work. Perhaps it has something to do with that enormous ebi curry I had at lunchtime..

My irritation levels have been quite high today as well. There is this annoying girl who sits behind me with the most irritating voice and she has been yakking away all morning about iPods and iBooks and other stuff which doesn't interest me so much. I left my iPod at home today since it didn't fit in todays handbag so I cannot drown her voice out.
In addition to that I am trying to break in a new pair of shoes and my feet are killing me.
I am tempted to pop down to the pub after work to de-stress but I keep remembering this article I read in the paper last week about how something like 70% of workers are turning to alcohol due to stress problems and I am determined not to be
part of that statistic :)

1 comment:

linz said...

The problem is, she doesn't just have a whiny voice, she also has this terrible habit of accentuating every syllable which results in what I call 'lazy' speaking. Not only does she talk a lot, but she takes her sweet time doing it! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

I am going to have to forego my current favourite handbag as I cannot fit my iPod into it. It's a small sacrifice.