Monday, November 29, 2004

What not to wear

It's that time of year again. The Christmas Party.

I should be sensible enough not to worry about this. I mean, all the guys on my team just turn up to the party in whatever they were wearing to work that day. It's more difficult for the ladies. It's just not acceptable to do that so I have found myself thinking about what I need to wear these past two days.
Thankfully it's not a formal do, just smart casual is fine. I can be dressy if I feel like it. I've seen this gorgeous (if a tiny bit tarty) dress at Karen Millen that I am tempted to buy. It's bright red, satin, and backless. My dilemma is, I'd like to feel that I can wear what I like, whatever makes me feel confident, but I also don't want to er, attract too much attention from the rest of the team. I'd never hear the end of it! So I think I will probably wear something a little more conservative. With large splits down the side :P It was suggested the other night that I wear a bikini but I highly doubt I will following that particular piece of advice..

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