Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Lament of a non politician

Disillusioned is how I feel today. Plagued by disturbing dreams of earthquakes and strange women doing business
on our driveway I was not happy to see that we may have not seen the end of the farce that has been the leadership in the US.
How did this happen? Did the citizens of America really choose the guy with the peasized brain who most likely needs aid
to tie his shoelaces? After the urges from Michael Moore, the celebrities, and every website I have visited in the last
2 months who have declared themselves pro-Kerry, where does this support for Bush come from?

Today I feel sorry for the Americans, sorry for the poor victims on George W Bush's to-do list and sorry for us poor
Britons who will continue to be caught in the mess. As I see it, the future of the UK rests in the hands of the US President.
I don't think it's ever been particularly relevant who our Prime Minister is, our long term alliance with the USA has always held us to ransom. Taxes always goes up, the NHS has always been bad, these things don't change but the worldwide
perception of this country does. I don't want to be cast out when I go on holiday because the US President wants to play with his

I've never believed in politics and today has reinforced that. I've never believed in god either but if there is one, please please please put things right..

1 comment:

viperx143 said...

the moonraker scenario might fix it. anyone got a rocket?