Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Breathing deep

I have spent the day alternating between being extremely pissed off and frustrated and between feeling unhappy. It's not pleasant to be working around people when you're feeling a bit like a coiled spring ready to disappear into neverwhere.
It certainly doesn't help when certain individuals find any old excuse to swing round my desk to chat when I have neither the time nor the capacity to answer those type of questions. Perhaps I am being paranoid but:
a) This person has visited my desk 4 times in the last 2 days
b) This person decided not to answer my email or phone with an answer but insisted on coming to my desk in person with their answer
c) Whilst at my desk this person wanted to spend 2 secs to ask another 'favour' outside of my department
d) This person sits 2 floors above me and has to wait for a lift to get to my desk!!!!!

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Time to leave work and get on with my life.

1 comment:

viperx143 said...

two floors? so that's the 6th? are you saying mr strain is your new admirer? :)