Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Some stories have no morals

A little girl is skipping down the road holding a balloon. She loves this balloon - it's in the shape of a bunny and the ears flop up and down as she walks along. Suddenly, the little girl sees a lone balloon flying low across the road just up ahead. It's in the shape of a goldfish, it has a beautiful fantail streaming behind it. Mesmerised by the swishing tail, she runs after the goldfish with all the energy and speed she can muster.

Eventually, she manages to catch up with the goldfish balloon and she clutches it happily. She carries on down the road, skipping and singing. After a while, the two balloons start to get tangled up. The bunny ears get caught up in the goldfish tail and the little girl stops. She realises sadly that she cannot have both balloons and she must decide which one she wants to keep. She sits down on a rock and compares the two balloons.

The little girl sighs because she cannot decide. "Oh which one should I keep?" she says out loud.
"You must keep the bunny" says a little voice next to her. She looks down to see a small dog sitting by her feet.
"Why?" she asks.
"Because you don't know who the goldfish balloon belongs to. There could be another little girl running around trying to find her lost balloon.. "
The little girl pouts. She doesn't want to lose the fish balloon because she is fascinated by it's bright colours and swishing tail but she knows that the little dog is right.
"What shall I do with this balloon then?"
"You should go back to where you found it and let it go. Then either it's owner will find it, or it will find a new owner." The dog replies wisely.

The little girls sighs again and then nods. Giving the dog a pat on the head, she runs back to where she found the goldfish balloon, gives it a kiss goodbye and releases it. She feels sad to watch it float away but she is sure that
she did the right thing.

Alone with her bunny balloon again, she carries on down the road. She doesn't skip any longer but keeps an eye out for other little girls who may be looking for a goldfish balloon. Moments later, a very cute little girl appears coming
down the lane the other way. She has a large frown on her sweet face and as she gets closer, our little girl notices that this other little girl is covered in cuts and bruises.
"Excuse me!" says our little girl to the other little girl. The other little girl looks up and stops. She sees our little girl clutching a cute bunny balloon with floppy ears and suddenly goes berserk.
"You stole my balloon! How dare you! I've been looking and looking and looking for that balloon. Don't think that you're going to get away with this you thief!!"
The cute little girl with the cuts and bruises pulls out a big carving knife from her pocket and stabs our little girl in the heart. 10 times. As our little girl slumps to the ground, the cute little girl grabs the bunny balloon and disappears back down the lane, skipping.

I'm now late for work

Good god. Just woke from horrible nightmare - it was the day before the Christmas Party and I couldn't get ready. In my dream I actually must have tried on about 100 outfits and disliked them all. Reality check. It's really not that important. I obviously need to get out a little more.

It's interesting though how I had a nightmare about this when I watched a really nasty japanese horror the night before and didn't. Does that say something about my personality perhaps?

Monday, November 29, 2004

What not to wear

It's that time of year again. The Christmas Party.

I should be sensible enough not to worry about this. I mean, all the guys on my team just turn up to the party in whatever they were wearing to work that day. It's more difficult for the ladies. It's just not acceptable to do that so I have found myself thinking about what I need to wear these past two days.
Thankfully it's not a formal do, just smart casual is fine. I can be dressy if I feel like it. I've seen this gorgeous (if a tiny bit tarty) dress at Karen Millen that I am tempted to buy. It's bright red, satin, and backless. My dilemma is, I'd like to feel that I can wear what I like, whatever makes me feel confident, but I also don't want to er, attract too much attention from the rest of the team. I'd never hear the end of it! So I think I will probably wear something a little more conservative. With large splits down the side :P It was suggested the other night that I wear a bikini but I highly doubt I will following that particular piece of advice..

It's here

Wow! You can now buy Flip Flap in the UK!

where is that baseball bat?

I feel really distracted this afternoon. Can't quite concentrate on my work. Perhaps it has something to do with that enormous ebi curry I had at lunchtime..

My irritation levels have been quite high today as well. There is this annoying girl who sits behind me with the most irritating voice and she has been yakking away all morning about iPods and iBooks and other stuff which doesn't interest me so much. I left my iPod at home today since it didn't fit in todays handbag so I cannot drown her voice out.
In addition to that I am trying to break in a new pair of shoes and my feet are killing me.
I am tempted to pop down to the pub after work to de-stress but I keep remembering this article I read in the paper last week about how something like 70% of workers are turning to alcohol due to stress problems and I am determined not to be
part of that statistic :)

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Bah humbug

One of the things that I hate about Xmas (in addition to the blatant commercialism of Christmastime in general) are the Christmas shoppers.

I popped into the West End yesterday to go to Hamleys. I wanted to buy my 13 year old cousin a birthday present. OMG what a mistake! Not only was the inside of the shop totally crowded but so was the pavement outside!! Still, I was determined to make a purchase so I bravely fought my way in. Luckily, I was rewarded by a man (or woman) dressed up as a giant Jelly Belly Jellybean who handed me some free jellybeans. Anyway, I managed to get my cousin his present but I have to say, to all those kids out there - you had better be damn grateful to those parents of yours who must have gone to a lot of trouble to buy those toys for you for Christmas!

It always amuses me how early Christmas starts. Even in September, the supermarkets will start selling mince pies, the card shops will cram their birthday cards into the back of the shop and replace them with overpriced Xmas cards, restaurants start advertising their Christmas Menus and HMV stocks up on DVD Boxsets ("Ideal Xmas Gifts!") On Monday I spotted the first inflatable snowman erected outside a house on the way to work. The Christmas lights on Oxford Street are already up. It's all mad mad mad. Part of me wants to boycott Christmas (I'd already decided that I'm only buying people boxes of biscuits), and the other half is mesmerised by the sparkling, shiny christmas gifts in the shops. Speaking of which, I walked into the new Apple shop on Regent Street and I really really think that I need the new 60GB all colour iPod which displays photos. I know that I already have an iPod. It doesn't matter. I could have two. And guess what, just in time for Xmas they have also released a special U2 edition of the iPod. It's black and red and funky as hell.

The best part of my shopping trip yesterday was a quick trip into Schuh. I discovered a great way of overcoming my short stature - massive shoes! Now I tried buying a pair of stilettoes a couple of months back but they are really really difficult to walk in. I have no idea how those models manage to walk in them, I've even seen girls run wearing them! Anyhow, I managed to find a gigantic pair of trainers that make me really tall. Well, normal height anyway :)

Height Gain Trick

Damn I think I was ripped off.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Dear Santa

Please please please give me one of these for Christmas. I've been a good girl - honest.

Late night ramblings

Thank god for English tea. With full fat milk. And Rich Tea biscuits, or even chocolate digestives. (McVities of course)

Despite my fantasies about relocating to another country to do something fabulously different, I have my reservations about leaving the things I love best behind. Now I've travelled a fair amount, I've been to the US, Canada, Hong Kong, China, Italy, France, Czech Republic and so on. Out of all the places I've been, I wouldn't
mind working in Canada, or Italy, or Japan, but the problem is, nowhere I have ever been can make a decent cup of tea. Either the tea is bad, or the milk is crap. Let's not even bother talking about tea in the US - it doesn't exist. It's so sad. My life without decent tea couldn't be worth living. I'd give up my iPod, my digital
camera, maybe even my treasured Celestion speakers.

I suppose it wouldn't be all that bad. Even flying to New Zealand is only a day away. I have plenty of contacts here to send me staples like biscuits, chocolate and tomato ketchup.

Anyway, back to Hong Kong. It's an interesting place. Lots of noise, people and animals. Last year I was there the breaking news was an escaped crocodile roaming around the New Territories. They flew in Australian experts to catch it but they failed miserably, despite the camera crews being able to get footage of it
swimming along the rivers around where my mum grew up. They should have gotten Steve Irwin in.
The things I noticed about Hong Kong this time round were that

a) they don't believe in small fines - smoking in a non-designated place will cost you a $5000 fine.
Littering, spitting, eating and drinking in train stations will cost you between $1000-$3000. I think that
the local councils in the UK should take note.
b) they don't believe in hurrying. anywhere.

I will be the first to admit that working in the city for 4 years has made me somewhat of a hardened Tube commuter.
I have mellowed somewhat in the more recent years but the London commuter is a highly strung, easily frustrated sort. I don't really blame them, given that the cost of travelling is high and the service poor. I read in the Metro recently that they've agreed a deal where Tube workers will have a reduced working week to 35 hours and 52 days holiday a year. I can only dream. The only time I get to work
a 35 hour working week is if I have a day off. Anyway, I digress. The point is that everyone in Hong Kong walks like my 80 year old grandma. Now she has bad knees so I can excuse her walking slow but the rest of the country? I don't even know
how it's possible to walk that slow, it's almost painful to follow their pace. Coupled with the fact that due to the new road safety campaigns the populace doesn't jaywalk any longer and waits patiently for the red man to turn green it makes
walking around Hong Kong very slow and frustrating.

I've just noticed a woodlouse walking halfway up the wall. I think it's amazing that they can do that so nonchalantly.
It kinds of makes me wonder why humans haven't evolved any more - when are we going to be able to walk up walls? It would come in so handy! So I could understand that perhaps the height imbalance makes walking upright impossible
but I'd settle for being able to crawl :)


It's been a busy week back at work. I was most surprised at the beginning of the week to discover that I had acquired a prank caller - someone who would ring and then hang up when I answered. Someone who also left me an answerphone message of them hanging up. Luckily they seemed to have given up calling now. My 'not-secret' admirer paid me a visit today - he was apparently down to see a different colleague who is on holiday this week so he thought perhaps that I might be able to help. I wasn't. It seems so complicated, this modern day political correctness -
and the eggshells of opposite-sex relationships. Perhaps I should invite this guy down to the pub so we could both get drunk and I could ask him straight out and lay things out in the open. I guess it wouldn't really help all that much even if I knew, and a little demoness inside also thinks it would spoil half the fun. :)

I was watching the Miss World lineup this evening. Besides wondering how on earth Miss UK had been nominated when I've seen total strangers on the tube more attractive, I have always wondered exactly what the point of the competition is.
And why on earth these women would waste their time trying to win it. Yeah sure, there is a reasonable cash prize but surely there are other types of modelling offering much more rewarding financial perks, and also the bonus of being taken a little more seriously? The whole idea of a competition in which hundreds of young, gorgeous women parade in neon bikinis seems too much
like a man's idea :) It's all too superficial for me and I probably wouldn't appreciate the program like a guy would but it's still fun to bitch about each candidate. Having said that, Miss Japan, Miss Korea, Miss Malaysia and Miss Dominican
Republic would definitely do it for me. Speaks volumes about my taste in women ;)

I just visited the website www.missworld.tv and discovered this:

"Simon Cowell’s latest musical protégés Il Divo and multi-Grammy award winning soul sensation Lionel Richie are both confirmed to perform live at the Miss World 2004. The Chinese hosts of the 2004 event are so thrilled at his attendance that 3rd December, the day Lionel Richie arrives in China, has been declared National Lionel Richie Day by the Chinese Government."

Wonder how Simon Cowell felt about that. Also must find out what the chinese are expected to do on National Lionel Richie Day...

Friday, November 12, 2004

Oh those hairfree days

Tomorrow evening I fly to Hong Kong.

It's been a long old day. People seem to instinctively know that you are about to go on holiday and give you more work even if you don't mention it. I'm not the type to screen my calls but it's been oh so tempting this week. It's almost easier not to go on holiday.

I decided to let my vanity win out and pulled out that "painfree no heat wax" solution to wax my legs. Oddly, it's called Nads. Perhaps not so odd (it's made in Australia) and is complete natural. It's funny stuff, very thick like molasses, only bright green. It smells delicious! The down side is - it's NOT PAIN FREE! There is no such thing as painfree waxing. I can only console myself that at least I'm not paying someone else to hurt me. I bet there are plenty of people who would gladly do it for free! It seems to work fairly well anyhow though I had to give up after 20 minutes as the pain got to me. I will just have to shave the rest.

Oh and I have managed to avoid my admirer for two days. Whilst he has been lurking in our area a number of times I have managed to be away from my desk each time. Hmm our Xmas party invites came out today. Must remember to check the guest list tomorrow to see if he has already RSVPed.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

The thoughtlessness of some

I'm feeling furious,anxious,scared,distracted,upset. All those things and all because of one sentence.
10 words.

What the hell is someone supposed to do when a friend emails you saying goodbye, enjoy the rest of your life, I'm off??
It's been two days. There is no response to phonecalls or email. We don't have any other mutual friends so I can't ask

I've lost track of where he is staying because he moves around a bit - he likes to pop off down to Exeter from time to
time so it's not unusual for him not to be home.

The more I think about it the angrier I feel. It's such a fucked up thing to do. Even if he has done something stupid
I can feel no sympathy. This isn't the way you treat your friends. Just like committing suicide by parking your car on a level
crossing causing a train to crash and 5 other people to die is a real shitty thing to do.

All I can do is hope that he is alright because I have no other way of finding out. His mobile phone rings but no one picks up.
Sometimes it goes straight to answerphone.

A moment of clarity

Someone told me that I was a real flirt today. (this was shortly before he tried to help me 'wipe' something off my skirt) I denied this vehemently at the time but now that I am home I am wondering if perhaps I am not as prudish and modest as I should be. Maybe I should have told that 47 year old the other night to fuck off rather than simply politely decline to accept his offer of a drink.

Have also confirmed my belief that the people I work with are also obsessed with toilets. Apparently there is a toilet 'shadow' - ie a guy who has a daily wank in the toilets on the 4th. This man has been identified and I greatly look forward to seeing who he is tomorrow. Not that I see anything particularly wrong with that kind of activity - I mean, perhaps he is really stressed at work but still, there is something delicious about scandal.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

In my next life...

Posted by Hello

Follow that NavBar

My NavBar appears to have gone rogue. Now whilst it has been some time since I last
wrote any HTML or played with style sheets, I still remember how to do it and no amount of template fiddling will fix it.

Ho hum. It will have to live there like that for a while.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Eulogy to a custard tart

I feel sooo happy for this custard tart. In less than a minute it will have fulfilled its only purpose in life. It can die (?) happy knowing that its brief existence in the universe has given me a little happiness and that I will have appreciated and ravished it with my undivided attention.

This beautiful tart with its wonderfully crusty outer pastry and delicate eggy aroma. The careful sprinkling of cinnamon across the top.


Breathing deep

I have spent the day alternating between being extremely pissed off and frustrated and between feeling unhappy. It's not pleasant to be working around people when you're feeling a bit like a coiled spring ready to disappear into neverwhere.
It certainly doesn't help when certain individuals find any old excuse to swing round my desk to chat when I have neither the time nor the capacity to answer those type of questions. Perhaps I am being paranoid but:
a) This person has visited my desk 4 times in the last 2 days
b) This person decided not to answer my email or phone with an answer but insisted on coming to my desk in person with their answer
c) Whilst at my desk this person wanted to spend 2 secs to ask another 'favour' outside of my department
d) This person sits 2 floors above me and has to wait for a lift to get to my desk!!!!!

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Time to leave work and get on with my life.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Testing testing

I cannot understand what it is about fireworks that people love.
Maybe it's because I don't love them. Maybe that's because around this time of year it always seems as if the world is
about to end.
There is only one place I have ever been who seem to love fireworks more. Prague on NYE. I have never seen people
walking about the streets with rockets sticking out of the handbags and pockets before. Neither have I ever experienced
standing in a public square with rockets and other such explosives flying about peoples heads as if they were merely confetti.
I doubt I will ever venture there again for New Years - crazy people live there.

Saturday, November 06, 2004


I was obviously more drunk than I realised last night.
Woke up at 3am and was horribly sick. Went back to bed and was pursued by nightmares of production support and unfinished sql queries running through my head.
I'm never drinking again.

End of an era

I've just had a few (ahem!) Friday drinks at the Poet. Apparently they have painted over the porn in the mens toilets. Just as well I had a guided tour recently of the adult artwork recently :)

I also have this vague recollection of the ladies toilets having been repainted too. White clouds and lots of red hearts... And the toilets are now a splendid putrid green. Perhaps they got Linda Barker in??

Friday, November 05, 2004

Bright eyes

My eyes are looking a little swollen today. I'm not sure why this as I actually went to bed early for once.

I had a strange dream last night. Parts of it are more vivid than others.
I was in a restaurant toilet. There was only one toilet with a sink and lockable door - no cubicles. As I went to lock the door,
a rather overweight lady walked in. As I wasn't about to do my business with her watching, I asked her politely if she could
wait outside and she said no! An argument ensued and then we started having a waterfight at the sink.
After a while we took the fight outside the ladies toilet and I returned to my table except this fat lady followed me and started throwing food
at from other tables to which my response was to throw food back. Unfortunately for me, I think this woman was a better shot than me
and managed to give me a black eye by throwing a dinner plate.

So I'm wondering again this morning why my eyes are swollen.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Lament of a non politician

Disillusioned is how I feel today. Plagued by disturbing dreams of earthquakes and strange women doing business
on our driveway I was not happy to see that we may have not seen the end of the farce that has been the leadership in the US.
How did this happen? Did the citizens of America really choose the guy with the peasized brain who most likely needs aid
to tie his shoelaces? After the urges from Michael Moore, the celebrities, and every website I have visited in the last
2 months who have declared themselves pro-Kerry, where does this support for Bush come from?

Today I feel sorry for the Americans, sorry for the poor victims on George W Bush's to-do list and sorry for us poor
Britons who will continue to be caught in the mess. As I see it, the future of the UK rests in the hands of the US President.
I don't think it's ever been particularly relevant who our Prime Minister is, our long term alliance with the USA has always held us to ransom. Taxes always goes up, the NHS has always been bad, these things don't change but the worldwide
perception of this country does. I don't want to be cast out when I go on holiday because the US President wants to play with his

I've never believed in politics and today has reinforced that. I've never believed in god either but if there is one, please please please put things right..

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Sweet dreams tonight

I've gotten used to people leaving now. I've been so busy recently that I haven't even been able to think too much about the people who have gone but right now I suddenly miss them.

It's strange how all our lives intertwine and then separate, sometimes permanently. Some links are ever so brief, so fleeting that by the time they are broken you wonder if it ever really happened. I wish that I could pick a day that everyone who I ever met could be in one place for a reunion. It would have to be a really long day so that I could be able to speak to everyone and reminisce about the time we met. Of course, there are those who I never want to see ever again and things would be very awkward should we be in the same room.

We're in the closing hours of the US elections. I feel like I'm looking at the dawn of a new generation. I think more depends on the outcome of this election than we could imagine and yet life continues as ever.