Tuesday, October 31, 2006

let there be cake

Well, my detox is finally over. Well, actually it finished last Tuesday. I succumbed to the temptations of my brother's gf's birthday cake - a beautiful creamy concoction with chocolate custard and lashings of cream. I half expected to go into spasms with the sugar overload, but instead I merely enjoyed it immensely :)

After that, I had my first bit of meat the next day and it all went a bit downhill from there.

I spent last weekend in Leeds - a place that I haven't visited before. My primary reason for going there was to see Wolves in the Walls, a wonderful musical written by my hero Neil Gaiman. By sheer coincidence my boyfriend's home team were playing that day and so off I went to my first football game ever. I have to admit that I enjoyed it - certainly it is much more interesting than watching it on TV. There is a great atmosphere and cameraderie involved - particularly this one gent in front of me who shouted all sorts of abuse at the linesman. Leeds won. Miraculously :)

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