Sunday, October 15, 2006

One down, three to go (weeks that is)

Woohoo! I have survived my first week of detox!
Today marked day 8 of my programme and I have to say that I am rather pleased. I'm feeling pretty good - and even though I haven't been following the stupid 'affirmations' or 10 mins relaxation bits, I still feel pretty relaxed. Some of this is probably attributed to the fact that I haven't been to work since Wednesday, and the session in the gym on Friday also helped. It was great to have a good workout followed by a good soak in the jacuzzi.

The good things so far about being on my detox programme:

  • I don't feel so bloated

  • I am finally drinking enough water

  • I feel healthy

  • I enjoy the 'selfishness' of the programme. ie its all about me

  • I've learnt to be creative in the kitchen to make the same fish/veg/rice combination interesting

  • I've tried some new things

  • No hangovers!

And the bad:

  • Haven't noticed it yet but it's going to be a drag on my social life not being able to drink

  • It's impossible to eat out!

  • Cold showers = BAD

  • Even in my creativity I am still eating fish/veg/rice every day!

  • I miss cakes. And croissants and pain au chocolat

  • Cooking every single night of the week goes against my natural laziness

  • I have to pee all the time

Am on another two day course tomorrow. Another lean lunch for me no doubt :(

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