Friday, March 04, 2005

snowmen in spring

I managed to eke out nearly an hour in the office today before deciding to go home. In that hour I managed to stare at the same line of code for at least 15 minutes. I can't even remember what that line of code was now :( Feeling bad. What is it about office environments that seem to make illnesses worse?

After an extremely sunny but cold day yesterday, London was awash with snowflakes this morning. The ground was covered with a blanket of soft snow where I live and enormous snowflakes were falling out of the sky, much to the delight of the kids walking to school. British weather sure is unpredictable. It's been snowing on and off for two weeks. Who knows how much longer it will last? It's supposed to be Spring now...

I watched a film last night that made me feel somewhat humble. And thankful. It was called The Joy Luck Club. It's a film about difficult choices and sacrifices, revolving around a group of Chinese families. It highlights the generation gap and the cultural differences between the mothers who originated from China, and their American born daughters. It's an amazingly moving film and for me, almost painful to watch as it was like reliving painful moments of my life. It made me smile and made me cry. It also made me realise that as much as I never thought that my mum understood me, that there were things about her that I never understood, and that my world back then was limited to revolving around me.
I have read comments about this film criticising it for being stereotypical. But I challenge anyone who is chinese with chinese parents not to find some truth in the stories in this film.
It's Mother's Day this Sunday. I am going to buy this film for my mum as a gift. Mother's Day holds some bad memories for me, and I stopped buying presents for her some time ago. This year I have found something that I want to give her. Something important. Understanding.

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