Tuesday, March 29, 2005

the hard place

It is fitting that it should be raining. Inside, I feel bleak, miserable and defeated. What a choice I must make - between the sun and the moon. As if I were holding what could be a winning lottery ticket, my mind is confounded by the options
and consequences of claiming the prize. Can I discard the growing hopes and dreams for harmony and accord? Should I?

In the corner of my eye I see a little cat. To me, the cat is tamed and loving, but deep in its soul I fear that it is not the creature that I know. What does the cat look like when I turn my back? Distracted, I walk away but the cat always follows.

1 comment:

Zelek said...

The little cat will always follow you around. Its claws are blunt and unable to hurt anything. It has spent too long being content and in company to go back into the wild and hunt for food.

When you turn your back the cat waits for you and then follows. If you disgard it then it will be alone and have to learn to hunt again.

So in essence you have the power to keep your little cat tame and loving and keep both your sun and moon. The only loser here is the cat. The sun and moon will still go on in their ethereal presence but the little cat that has given you everything could see its gift thrown back in its face for no reason other than a whim.

Surely you feel more for the cat than that? How would you expect the cat to feel if left in the garbage like so many abandoned animals? Just because the cat gets older does not make it right to go and get a kitten. Sometimes moggies can be every bit as nice.

(of course this is entirely hypothetically speaking)