Saturday, March 12, 2005

10 reasons why I hate iTunes

Well actually, there is only one reason.

I installed the latest version of iTunes the other day. I hadn't used it since I first got my ipod ages ago since I found that 4 gig of mp3's was really enough to keep me going without needing to update. Anyway, my hard drive got reformatted since and so I decided that I would reinstall the software.

A day or so later, I fired up winamp to discover that none of my playlists worked any more. Somewhat concerned, I had a little look in my mp3 folder to find in place of mp3's, hundreds of directories. For a split second I panicked, remembering a time long ago when I got a virus that renamed all my jpegs to .txt files or something.. but on further investigation I found that the songs were still there, only under directories named after the artist. So. I now have in excess of 300 directories, each one containing a single mp3. Great!

I'm sure that it was my own fault. gee, I have a degree in computing, I program for a living and I can't even work out a simple application like iTunes. *hangs head in shame*

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