Sunday, March 13, 2005

guilty until proven innocent

I was watching some music videos earlier, and Smooth Criminal came up. It made me feel kind of sad. I am always always going to remember Michael Jackson as an icon - someone totally unique with an inimitable sense of style. I think it's tragic that this generation is going to remember him as a delusioned man accused of paedophilia. I don't want to turn this into a debate about whether he is guilty or innocent, that's down to personal opinion. As it happens, I don't think he is guilty. I refuse to forward on the tasteless emails containing jokes about him. He is too much of an easy target - already convicted by the public and the media before trial.

It all makes me wonder. I can spend my entire life being a good person and doing good things, but at the end, all it takes is one single opportunity for someone else to destroy that. One rumour, one accusation, one motive. It's no wonder there is no trust in the world.

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