Thursday, January 13, 2005

made in America

I went to see National Treasure last night. I didn't have particularly high hopes - but I just couldn't stomach 3 hours of Scorcese's The Aviator after a full day at work so I went for what I expected to be a complete no-brainer instead. Besides, it was Orange Wednesday so tickets are half price :)

I have to admit that I was pleasantly surprised. The story is absolutely nonsensical but it was very entertaining. Apparently based on the Da Vinci Code (which I haven't read), it's like a cross between Tomb Raider and Indiana Jones - though in my opinion more of the latter and less of the former. Lots of action, riddles and wry
one-liners, Diane Kruger provides eyecandy for the guys, Nicholas Cage is on top form as the slightly sarcastic, artifact enthusiast and Mensa candidate, and Sean Bean is, well, Sean Bean. (will never understand why the Brits always plays the bad guys) I was a little lost by the premise behind the film - the general plot revolves around Nicholas Cage trying to find the treasure of all treasures which was hidden by the Knights Templars to prevent the British from ever getting to it. (er, why? And why would they need to ship it all the way from Europe to America??)
They leave a whole string of clues as to where the treasure is, but you have to be extremely well versed in American History to be able to decipher them. But anyway, my verdict was, ludicrous but entertaining. And hey, it's Disney.

1 comment:

linz said...

After some further research on the Knights Templars, I felt that perhaps the title of this post was a little unfair so I have changed it.