Sunday, January 16, 2005

firefighting rhinos

Many years ago, when I was about 12/13 years old, I rented out this video called The Gods Must Be Crazy. It had me in stitches and I have been waiting forever for it to be rereleased on DVD.

Well I saw it today in HMV so I had to buy it. Just having watched it - over 10 years on, whilst still funny, it's actually quite thought-provoking. I highly recommend it. It's about a bushman who one days sees a coca cola bottle (the old glass ones) fall out of the sky and it changes his life forever.

One thing that came up in the film - apparently when rhinos see a fire, they will charge up to it and stamp it out. Sadly, a quick google search tells me that this is not true. But it would have been cool if it were.

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