Thursday, January 06, 2005

Turning a corner

I seem to have hit a bit of a reading frenzy of late - I am buying more books than I have time to read. Finally having finished Non-Fiction (pure genius), I have hit an experimental phase of books.

One book, more of a comedy read than anything, opened my eyes to a new stress-release channel that I had not really considered before. It is just a published collection of website postings, chosen to titillate and amuse - but the concept fascinated me no end. The website allows you to post anonymous confessions.. Some are rude, some are crude, some are pretty sad. I read one that I can't get out of my mind:

"I don't use tampons....
or pads......
I use bread."

Another example:

"I just swore on my kid that I'm not sleeping with my friend - but I am, and I might
leave my husband to be with him. But probably not. I really hope the baby wakes up in the morning."

I have been wondering what sort of confessions I would post. And whether they would be truth or lies.

I bought another book today - "in praise of Slow". It's a study in the hectic lives we lead - rushing everywhere, not appreciating those precious moments, going through life at warp speed. It claims to introduce a lifestyle revolution. I could do with one of those. I spend so much time replaying things that happen in my head wondering why I didn't pay more attention at the time. Wondering if things may have happened differently had I done so. Things that I could have said before turning away, things I could have done to prolong a precious moment. I'm not a great believer in self-help books, I don't tend to read non-fiction as I am heavily into escapism, I seek solace in denial despite the cynic in me crying to escape. 4 chapters into The Corporation and I am wondering what hope there is left for us mere mortals.

But with time comes change, and change can lead to progression. My change is to wake up to the truth, perhaps one day I might be able to do something about it.

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