Tuesday, January 25, 2005

last rites

I just watched the pilot episode of Six Feet Under. It made me think. Not just about the one funeral I ever went to, and the one funeral I didn't get to go to but about funerals in general and I realised with some horror that the day that I die, my family are going to want to do things the 'proper' way. Sod that.

I remember when I was in secondary school, my friend Jenny and I used to discuss our own funerals. Jenny was really into Queen and wanted Bohemian Rhapsody to be played at hers. It wasn't an entirely serious conversation but 10 years on, it has occurred to me that if I don't do anything, my funeral will be the complete opposite of how I would want it to be. Not for me the organ music or mournful violin sonatas. Not for me the hushed tones and silent tears. I want real music at my funeral, I want dancing, and champagne. I want it to be a celebration of the person that I am, of the life that I lived. I don't think that's much to ask.

Oh ick. I'm watching this programme about anatomy. That weird guy, Professor Von Hagens or somesuch (from that infamous Body Worlds exhibition) is demonstrating how the lungs work.

Hmm. It's interesting though. He is injecting artificial blood into the intestines.. and you can see it filling the veins. Good thing I've finished my dinner.

1 comment:

viperx143 said...

champagne, hey? who'd have thought.... ;)