Monday, August 08, 2005


Parents can cause such mixed feelings, often ones that change very rapidly.

phase one - disbelief

"So whenever I try and do a search on X Stockbrokers, it always comes back Egg..."
"I don't believe you Mum."

phase two - discomfort

"Oh my god look at your face! Haven't you been moisturing? Your skin looks terrible. You're only 26, not 30."
"Go away mum. No I haven't been moisturising. It's bad, yes."

phase three - nostalgic

I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth before my dad hogs the bathroom. Mum is still in there.
"Come here and sit down. I'm going to wash your face for you. It looks terrible."
I sit down and allow myself to have expensive japanese cleanser rubbed on my face. The downside is that I have to listen to her preaching about looking after my skin. The upside is that it's quite comforting, it kind of reminds me of being a little girl again, sitting on the edge of the bath having my face scrubbed. Mum holds my hair back as she commands me to rinse. Then as I'm brushing my teeth she disappears off to find the toner which she insists on rubbing on as well. I feel a little bemused.

phase four - dejection

As she walks away, job done ("Don't forget to put moisturiser on!") she also mutters on about the state of my complexion. "Looks like your face is going mouldy"

phase five - paranoia

Now totally paranoid about my mouldy face.

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