Wednesday, August 03, 2005

1:0 me vs the moths

There is some kind of weird moth infestation in my house. On Monday I came home to find 7-8 moths fluttering around in my room. It didn't take that long for them to start annoying me, and despite the risk of moth murder karma, I splatted them all. Yesterday I flattened 3 more, and this morning I murdered one with body spray. Incidentally, that is a bad thing to do as it makes them all sticky and impossible to remove from the wall.

Do I feel bad? Yes I do. However, they should learn to stay out of peoples way. The way that they flap around in random directions and eat my clothes drives me crazy. I can sit at my pc and see them out of the corner of my eye. Ugh.

Course the simple solution could be to arm my room with mothballs. Except I *hate* the smell of mothballs. (Doesn't everybody?) Argh what a dilemma!!

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