Monday, February 28, 2005

watashi no tanjobi wa..

Around 3.45pm in 1979, a goddess was born. Me :)
Of course, she lost goddess-status back in the 1980's when she played all sorts of nasty tricks on her baby brother but she still likes to pretend sometimes..

Woke up this morning feeling like absolute hell. Throat the size of a pea, when I swallowed it felt like giant boulders were crashing through the top of my head and down my throat. My eyes hurt when closed. When I didn't swallow my head hurt anyway. I contemplated briefly whether to go into work anyway and realised that I couldn't face the trip from the bed to the office so I called in sick. On my birthday.
How much does that suck? Being stuck at home, in bed, alone and sick on your birthday. The text messages rolled in... "so.. pulling a sickie? happy birthday". grrr. bastards.

Anyway. Happy Birthday to me.

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