Saturday, February 05, 2005

no meat just veg

Feeling pretty bad today. This time, no champagne was involved. (in fact I have stuck to my New Years Resolution so far!)Somehow managed to get home but I have no real recollection of this particular journey. Woke up from coma sleep at 7am this morning and then had a rather strange dream...

I was in America - at a Disneyesque town that contained and was funded by 3 theme parks. One was Disney, and the other two I don't quite remember. One of the theme parks was amazing - I can't quite find the words to describe it but it was extremely vivid and colourful. (This answers my question about whether I dream in colour or not)

Anyway, skipping the theme park bit - I was living in a house in this town. I had the same pikey neighbours as per my house in the UK but my house looked different. For some reason, my neighbours had started using the back of my garden as their own and had built a giant blue shed there. This shed contained row upon row of giant marrow plants. Apparently, my neighbours were growing these marrows as part of some secret drug experiments where they were extracting some sort of ingredient from the marrows and selling it to medical labs. The neighbours even broke into a fight amongst themselves due to the fact that people had died as a result of these tests.

I spent the early part of today at an apartment launch. It's a shame that I am not quite ready to buy as these flats were very nice and a very reasonable price. And they overlook the old Big Breakfast cottage :) I wonder who owns that now...

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