Saturday, February 26, 2005

goodbye 25

For the first weekend in a while, I have an itinerary :) I will moving across a cultural spectrum today and tomorrow - today I have tickets to go and see The Umbilical Brothers which is supposed to be very funny. I have no idea what to expect which is usually the best way to ensure a good time.
On the other side of the spectrum I have tickets to go and see Carmen at the Royal Albert Hall tomorrow evening. I'm not sure if I like opera, having only seen one. I do however love the music so I'm pretty certain that I will enjoy it.

I'm feeling remarkably well this morning despite the slighty heavy night last night. Having secured a prime spot in Corney and Barrow (ugh) overlooking the ice rink, we drank the night away whilst bitching about the show-offs downstairs. I managed to attract the attention of 2 (old) guys who told me repeatedly that I had beautiful hands. Ironically they work at the same bank as me on the floor below. One of them had apparently just been promoted to MD - I figure that he's probably not a bad person to know then ;)

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