Friday, September 09, 2005

go Gadget go

I am the proud parent of a 3 day old PSP. My new baby is a beauty, all shiny and well behaved - he chirps happily whilst awake and sleeps soundly at night.

It's been a while since I called upon my gadget-girl alter ego. Quashed by the evil ones at Mastercard, she has been keeping a low profile for quite some time. However, the bitch is back and back with a vengeance. Head turning this way and that with all the cool new toys that are begging to be bought, the PSP has proved an effective distraction. It is an incredible piece of kit - pure heaven for those gadget inclined. Although the games released are not quite as jawstopping as would have hoped, there are good things to come. What can I say? I love it. The sound is good, the screen is excellent, the controls perfectly usable. It supports mp3s. It will play video off a memory card. It has wi-fi. It's widescreen. Hell, I can even store cheesy holiday snaps on it. All it needs now is a digital tv receiver, a touchscreen and a stylus and I will be a playstation convert forever.

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