Wednesday, July 27, 2005

realities of my subconscious

I've been having these fleeting dreams recently where things keep changing when I'm not there. Usually it has something to do with my mum. For instance, last night, I dreamt that all the books that I had dumped downstairs in the projector room on the floor had suddenly all been boxed up. I say fleeting in my earlier observation because I usually don't remember these fragments of my dream without a trigger - in this case, when I was downstairs ironing a shirt this morning. The books were still there where I left them, and I felt momentarily bewildered at this reality.
This isn't misrepresentative behaviour from my mum, she definitely has a habit of making changes in my life without warning. Once I came home one weekend from university to find that she had ripped the entire front of the house down and replaced it with a new one.

I wonder about the meaning behind these dreams. Whether it has something to do with the changes going on in my life, or whether it indicates my preoccupation with things that are out of my control. I am a self-confessed control freak when it comes to my own life. It probably explains the friction between me and my mum as she is a control freak too except she likes to control the lives of others...

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