Monday, December 19, 2005


I never realised how hard it is to play the piano when you're slightly drunk.

Totally failed to go shopping after work today when I got summoned by a colleague who had started his Xmas holidays early. Having gone for Christmas lunch at 12pm, by 6pm he was still in the same pub only moved downstairs and all his drinking buddies had deserted him. Good judgement having deserted me momentarily, I went to join him and nearly 3 hours later I emerge to run home late for dinner with my parents. My parents luckily didn't even notice my slight drunkenness.

Usually I don't venture near my piano unless I'm feeling a bit depressed. But after stuffing my face at the dinner table I had this whimsical notion to play a few tunes on my poor piano :) I didn't embarrass myself too much :)))

I'm sitting now at my pc in my room. Still feeling drunk. There is a conversation going on on my doorstep about planning permission. Outside my room there is a game of boules going on. I'm ignoring everything except Royksopp filtering out of my stereo. And for once, I feel happy :)

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