Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Bring on the curried fishballs

It's my second day in Thailand. I'm currently sitting in a little internet cafe outside the night market in Chiang Mai. It's nearly 10pm and pretty busy already.
It's a totally different world in Thailand, although I don't feel so much of a culture shock. Presumably this is due to the fact that in many ways, Thailand reminds me of Hong Kong.

The one thing I can't get used to is the totally incomprehensible language. It's a given that I won't understand what people are saying, but the indecipherable squiggles of the written language has me totally perplexed. I guess that's what it must be like for westerners and the chinese language. There is absolutely no guessing what anything says.

I am all templed out today. It doesn't take that much (reminds me of Kyoto). Chiang Mai supposedly has some 300 temples. I went to 3 today and that's enough for me already. They are all very similar - each with their own buddhas made from a different material or in a different pose. Besides, I don't really have time until Sunday as I now have 3 days worth of cooking class :) Ken Hom watch out!!

Need to move on and eat now. I am desperate to try some curried fishballs...

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