Thursday, October 21, 2004

warning: `class x has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor`

I'm not much of a philosophist but I have spent many
an hour discussing with my friends our beliefs in
the existence of a higher being vs the concept of fate.

Fate or coincidence?

It is my uncle's birthday today. The very same one
getting married next Monday. He is 33.
By strange coincidence, his girlfriend is 19 today. Given the
circumstances of their introduction, it is a highly
improbable event. (not that she is 19, but that she was
born on exactly the same day 14 years before)

This leads me to thinking about the odd parallel between
my uncle and his first real girlfriend and me and my first boyfriend. My boyfriend was the same age as my uncle, and
my uncle's girlfriend the same age as me. The difference
between his and her birthdays was the same as between mine
and his.

I don't really believe in coincidence. I pretty much think
that our lives are predetermined from the start. And it helps. I can take on a much more laidback approach to life
as I have no real power to change it.

This isn't really suitable for blogging but whilst I'm
watching my code compile my mind is wandering to other things :)

1 comment:

viperx143 said...

'make destructors virtual in base classes', meyers, effective c++
That means that, by and large, almost all public destructors should be virtual. Otherwise, a deletion bug is pretty much fated ;)