Friday, October 15, 2004

Cubicle communication

One day this week I was sat in a cubicle in the ladies toilet at work, minding my own business, when I hear a beeping a couple of cubicles down from me. The frequency of the beeps indicated that someone was typing a text message whilst sat on the toilet. I thought this was very strange and somewhat annoying. I mean, the ladies toilet should be a sanctuary, but this mystery girl had invaded it with her incessant beeping. I don't like to gripe too often but do people not know how to switch off their keytones??

Anyway, I left the ladies and went back to my desk to continue with my work.
An hour or so later, I went back to the ladies (too much tea). Whilst sat on the toilet, again I heard that same beeping. Same cubicle! I couldn't believe that she had been sat locked in a cubicle texting for over an hour, but then I didn't think that she would have left and then come back to do more texting.. Who and why would someone bring their mobile phone into the toilet with them? (aside from the Mobile Phone Girl, who I'm positive is a completely separate person)

It's a mystery.

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