Tuesday, May 10, 2005

another night in the zoo

I drifted in and out of dreams this morning, mostly due to the fact that I set too many alarms to wake me up.
One dream was pure fantasy, my hero Neil Gaiman all damp from the shower talking about this dvd that we'd just watched. :)

The last one I had just before I got out of bed was almost a nightmare. I dreamt that a young elephant was on the rampage in the garden and we were all running away trying to avoid its charge. I can clearly remember the fear and adrenalin of having it right behind me. I managed to get inside the house and for some reason was climbing out of a bedroom window when my mum and brother appeared. They told me that they'd managed to catch the elephant - I glanced over at where they were pointing and sure enough, they had managed to tie it up. In bubble wrap.

The interesting thing about this dream (aside from the strangeness of seeing an elephant wrapped in plastic) was the new experience of semi-conscious thought. Usually in my dreams, most thoughts in dream-state are raw emotions - happy ,sad, scared, angry, that sort of thing. This time my thoughts were actually analytical, as if I was interpreting my dream whilst dreaming. I remember thinking, when my mum told me that they'd caught the elephant, that they had managed to achieve what I could not. That instead of confronting my fears I had run away from it.

It put me in a strange mood this morning.

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