Friday, October 13, 2023

The runaway process

My garbage collection is broken I think. This is the third iteration of this blog post - and my mind is full of too many things to be able to focus on any sort of theme to write about. After more than a decade of silence, I feel that this first post should be many things - insightful, celebratory perhaps, maybe a little bit nostalgic even. But the inside of my head is even more untidy than the state of my house. And that's saying something. Why am I even writing this I wonder? I'm not imparting useful knowledge. I'm not going to make any money from it. I'm not even expecting anyone to read it. Am I procrastinating from the absolutely gigantic list of tasks waiting for me? Is it just an excuse to sit in bed? I have no answers. I'm not even sure what the questions are right now. I feel like an orphaned process - still ticking along perpetually with no end in sight. Press escape! Control Z! Reboot the damn thing! Some kind person needs to gently prise me apart and clean out the junk so I can function better.